We finally arrived in Phnom Penh at 10 pm, too tired to do anything but check into the hotel and call it a day.
Up the next morning to the breakfast table for an excellent omelette, fresh fruit, and coffee. Laura shows up by herself and relates to us that a piece of luggage was discoved missing when Paul went to brush his teeth. He's been on the road to the airport since 6 am, and it is now 8 and he hasn't returned.
One of the big surprises for us is how much the town has changed since we were here in 2000. It's really not the same city. In 2000, it was more of a large village, the road in front of the royal palace was barely paved. The street to our hotel a short walk from the palace was graveled broken pavement. There were almost no cars. Today the place is paved over, 10 times the size it was, so many cars the traffice is LA jam quality all the time.
Today was a shopping day. We went to the Russian Market and the Central market to buy jewels. The ladies were going round and round looking for sapphires, and the boys were getting more and more bored.
We wandered the food stalls, fish stalls and meat stalls, and while very interesting, its not for weak stomachs. The old saying don't watch sausages or laws being made applies here big time.
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